Accurate Reservoir Simulation in Coarse Grids without Up-Scaling
Tipo de evento: Seminário LNCC
We use a non-overlapping iterative domain decomposition procedure based on the Robin interface condition to develop a new multiscale mixed method to compute the velocity field (single-phase flow) in heterogeneous porous media.Hybridized mixed finite elements (equivalent to cell-centered finite differences) are used for the spatial discretization of the equations. We define local, multiscale mixed basis functions to represent fine scale heterogeneity in a coarse scale description of the problem at hand. Appropriate subspaces of the vector space spanned by these basis functions can be considered in the numerical approximations of heterogeneous porous media flow problems. The balance between numerical accuracy and numerical efficiency is determined by the choice of these subspaces.A detailed description of the numerical method is presented. Following that, numerical experiments are discussed to illustrate the important features of the new procedure and its comparison to the traditional fine grid simulations. Extensions to multiphase flows in porous media will be indicated.This is joint work with V. Ginting and J. Rigelo (University of Wyoming, USA), and A. Francisco (Federal Fluminense University, Brazil).
Data Início: 29/07/2013 Hora: 14:00 Data Fim: Hora: 15:30
Local: LNCC - Laboratório Nacional de Computação Ciêntifica - Auditorio A
Comitê Organizador: Felipe Pereira - University of Wyoming - -